Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blood and Chocolate

Bleh. The prize presentation was like…so long I wanted to drop off and sleep. That probably explains my mechanical clapping. I thought they were going to like…stretch it out or something.
Wait. If this is “stretched out”…
I had been hoping for one whole hour to thrash out my chocolate piece, but unfortunately the Math lesson on Thursday…gets in the way. Still. I can’t figure out the…Australian penchant for wasting paper. Three certificates for one test. WTF?
Fortunately, no graded assignment. All the more good news when…we found out Mr. Cheong was intending to like, give us REALLY hard questions from the Tutorials. WTFOMGBBQ.
Still. One must see the glass half-empty. I mean half-full.
Basically, I managed to fish about half of what we were supposed to do in about 5 minutes. What with Daryl and group lending my laptop and all that. (It’s mine now, OK? MINE!!!)
Whoo before we presented J.Lau’s MouseHunt page was…accidentally revealed. XD.
I did a…pretty good job. Comparatively. Seeing as each of my chocos had a longer description than anyone else.
COMPLETED CLASSROOM II WOOT. With KGB’s help at the hard parts obviously.
During one of the tests…
Random student: MY EYES!
Teacher: SHUT UP!
Random Student: BUT SIR! THEY HURT!
Consequently, mentioned teacher was…sacked. Now if only that had happened to…Mr. Murali. XD. I’m bad that way.
I need to use my own laptop more often instead of playing cards. Makes so much sense right.

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