Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday is our death day

By now you should hav realized that even though whatever I put at the title bar is related to the day that rest of it doesn't make sense. But who cares.
I have given...a little up on english. Yea. cos I realized I should have just copied ssction out of the Da Vinci Code. which pwns BTW. Heheh. *Makes a note*
Was really ownage. So Mr. Lim walked in and gave us a...kinda mock quiz. It had WTF open-ended questions.
Mr Lim: you cannot look at your notes for about...30 minutes. We''ll see how it goes.
Then he walks out.
J.Lau: Hey everybody let's take out our notes! (something to that extent)
*Everybody starts asking questions, copying or referring to their notes. Take your pick. Not in that order.
*Mr. Lim walks back in
*Silence and scribbling answers
Lucky I do revising everyday.
And there is gonna be a quiz next week WTF. If he walks out again...
Eh I actually forgot WTH we did. Dammit. And there was no spelling like the paranoid girls thought. Noob.
O.o guess what Mitra forgot there was Math and went home. We were just finishing Surds so the lesson not much anyway.
J.Lau: Imagine Mitra at home...
"Eh why nobody online? I thought Jit come home quite early one..."

PS there was this one Math lesson where we had some Graded Worksheets. Fortunately I got 1 mark less than full marks. But see, we were all copying each other for the first GW so we all got the same question wrong LOL...
And HTH did I get 42 for that last GW question?!

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