Monday, April 19, 2010

Press the button

I mean like,
Opera next week, (with an uncompleted dance sequence or so.  Needa get to audi soon)
On a side note, YAY for two things:
1) Got past auditions round (on a side note, is that a good thing or…)
2) Got Byorn to moonwalk in front of…say 300+++ people, or 60+ school representatives :D (After my request to one of the judges to…persude…him…)
OH NO WUT AM I GONNA DO TWO MONTHS OF HELL LINED UP FOR US :( (So says David Butler. And I’m beginning to believe him)
That was me crapping. I wanted SO MUCH to go for PE :( And Chinese O.O (That reminds me…haven’t even gotten my sui bi, and haven’t done it. Supposed to be due today. OMGZZZ)
Man I wish we have good lights in the audi.
Byorn and Kendrick trying to force me to go for imaging and skip my Opera rehearsals. I SAY SCREW OFF PEOPLE. I’d rather be doing Opera than some stupid thing called Imaging. I HAVE DECIDED TO HATE MEDIACORP FOR LIFE.
Wanted to add a side bracket there but since the NSC website is going to somehow mysteriously find our blogs and let the whole of Singapore read them…added to the fact that I’m REALLY too lazy to make my blog private.
Going out. School tomorrow. And I’m REALLY looking forward to it. (Oh wait math assignment and sui bi still undone PANICPANICPANIC)

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