Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day long lagging

YaY Dr. Pek FTW. More than usual. Because we’ve done our Physics project and two other groups haven’t.
Wait hang on why do they get an extension NUUUU *goes off to throw a tantrum*
And I still waiting for C&C to like work on their unfinished unstarted projectile launcher project. The $100++ project, which currently looks like…two disjointed plastic pipes and a metal pole. A collapsible metal pole.
Eh what’s wrong with Jesus Torture Day huh Isaac.
KK YES FINALLY FINISHED ALICE. The ending was like rather nice BUT ALICE STILL LOOKS CREEPY :O (Oh no how download new game? Maybe back to DOTA)
Our ratio of DOTA to non-DOTA players is steadily rising…(at the last count…9 to 12? 0.0)
Galen so pro la when I shooting at the Queen of Hearts with my Blunderbuss he pops up saying SPRAY YOUR JIZZ AT HER WTcrap you sicko I mean if it’s DH it’s def…er obvious but Galen you SC OK. IT SHOOTS A BLODDY MUSKET BALL RETARD.
Then even better you go around talking about icy sticks and sex in the garden…
Bio lesson was so ownage --> Galen Tiong for all answers FTW. So Mr. Lee started ignoring us :(
Then there was Young Joon making spastic…laughs and weird noises, Nat talking about jizz, Dh and his usual random sick stuff, and some VERY DESPO insects. ESPECIALLY those with stingers.
Math was simple. Where did my pretty pink pencil go :(

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