Monday, April 12, 2010


Man I suck I’ve worked for about an hour at the computer and decided that the essay I’m attempting to write is totally…useless. Which means I’ve wasted an entire hour of my life accomplishing nothing. Nada. Even the fact that I’ve actually been thinking of dance moves for the opera all that while in stead of concentrating on my work doesn’t make me feel better. Mainly because the dance moves are…totally not dance-like. But how is one gonna come up with like nice-looking dance moves for bandits short of tribal hooting or what not?! :(
KK must stop myself from continuing to…demoralize myself or something.
Oh noes I am squeezing two days into one post. How am I gonna meet my target of 303 posts my year end :O
Music lessons all turned into rehearsal times and so we took the two hours for some…funny parody/pathetic excuse for a rehearsal. And I was showing THE Yao Rui which songs to play (no one would dare assume to tell him HOW to play them) and he was like I don’t want to do the tremulo so Claire was saying DON’T SLACK.
Lying on the floor and laughing is so liberating. So is watching Jit dying and saying “EH WHAT IS THIS YOU’RE FALLING ON ME ARIF” and Joshua’s weird assassination styles. ~Why do I have a better murderer~

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