Sunday, February 27, 2011


Ooh. Yumyum.
Sometimes reality TV is really stupid. And weird. Like when someone pretends to eat earwax for a joke. Hurm.
In any case. I am so screwed. I have completed everything except for work due on Sunday. Instead, of course, I am listening to songs and blogging and playing random games on Kongregate instead of doing it. I still have one day, after all. XD
So. Basically I am just waiting it out till eleven, or till mum gets home. To watch TV, of course.
But fortunately, with some rushing I managed to hash out a half-baked chemistry report yesterday. :D
Still. About the things that happened today, are getting dragged over a bush.
Not literally, just me bullshitting you.
Jit: James you’re in MA!
James: What? YEA!
Jit: Nope I’m just bullshitting you.
Imagine if this funny guy becomes a doctor.
Jit: Oh! Congratulations, you’re cured of your cancer!
Jit: Oh no, I’m just bullshitting you.
I was watching this competition just yesterday, and they were having some compound word forming sentence. And I realized that the first word I could think of meant incest. Hurm.
I am digressing too far away from the topic at hand, i.e. the fact that SOMETHING happened on Friday. But that is mostly due to my now abysmal memory for anything I want to remember. Also, I have an Economics article screaming for completion. And tuition soon. Bleurgh.
Physics wasssszzzzzz…. I mean, not that I sleep in the lesson. I’m never able to do that. Just that the topic is so zzz….
Chemistry was moderately more fun, with the addition of an untimely call from Ms Ong triggering Claire’s bitching to everyone. Yea.
About that. I have nothing more to say, because Mr. Yee also angry at us. Or, more specifically, those not wearing uniform during lesson and those playing the instruments.
Tsktsk. I stand in approval for teachers to provide all their phone numbers insteadof office numbers so that they are more easily contactable.
DH: *points at TC jacket* ey isn’t that the jacket that Pin Yee was wearing?
Well DUH.
Hmm. Now. That was easy.
Just one more little anecdote.
Mr. Yee: DH! Go buy new shirt! This one looks…very old and po lan! (tattered)
DH: Sorry man no money! Mr. Yee you spon me?
Mr. Yee: OK I will
DH: No lah JK JK I know you poor too. Ah Claire you spon me how?
Claire *whacks DH’s head with pencil*
DH: Mr. Yee did you see that? I demand that she sponsors me shirts for the…physical and emotional trauma she’s caused me
*after Mr. Yee leaves*
DH: Ok. For every whack you have given me you owe me one shirt. By my estimate you owe me five shirts already.
Claire: OK…come here…
DH: Yea, fine, come and whack me. You will owe me six. *offers head*
What. A.

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