Saturday, March 26, 2011

Triumphant Song

Stupid Tiong eh come back online pl0x.
Not that I did much, anyway. But, hey, at least I didn’t get to hear Gamelan play horrifically off-tune Just The Way You are, so that’s probably good.
I am going to carve myself up every Physics lesson from now on ARGH. But I was doing so already anyway. :( Boring, sleep-inducing subject. ZZT. *chews lip*. Test next week nuuu. I need to power of being able to stand studying…5 hours straight. Or not.
So we finds the half an hour break an opportune time to do last minute studying. VERY last minute studying (as usual).
And I end up missing an i. As usual. WASTED *fingers twitch*
Galen: Lamprey=condoms with teeth
Hmm. Wouldn’t like using one of those.
YAY Mr. Yee shaved the stubble now no looka lika hobo no more. XD.
Supposedly we were all :D because Mr. Yee said he was just going through two pages.
It took all of the…allotted lesson time. Blah.
And I feel like arguing with those…arguments.
So…pottering about before Odyssey concert. A bit like the little trek I took with TC on Thursday.
TC: If Russia was all fertile land, any Russian with sufficient dosh could probably buy a plot of land the size of Singapore!
Me: Then that Russian would say, when visiting Singapore, Singapore ah? That country a bit small, right…my roses cover about that area.
TC: WTH you just blew my mind. Exactly HOW BIG is that guy’s yard huh?
By the way, our road trip consisted of: TC and me take lift to 5th storey so he can put his bag at the Lounge. Walk to Canteen where TC buys snack. Walk back to take lift to 5th storey. I get my bag.
Yea, you get the point.
We were discussing punishments the other day.
NCC: Pushups and standing still
Dance: A variety of splits and stretches
Basketball: Extra training
Journalism: Hurm. Firstly, we need to confirm the idea of late. Any suggestions?
Ooh. Odyssey concert was so awesome XD.
I got to grin at Yang Qian.
Candice: YQ! *points at me*
Me: *grin*
YQ: Huh? AH! (slow tsktsk)
And me learns to play Just The Way You are on the…vibraphone.
Vivian: :O What’s a vibraphone?
Me: A…phone that vibrates!
Vivian: ||| and what might that be for?
Me: Urm…phone sex? Inappropriate much XD.
Everyone was nervous.
Nervousness brings out the…random effects in people, which are on occasion quite amusing to watch.
And I mourn the loss of life for when the MAs were folding programme booklets. GG?
Feet shaking. Not too good a sign. Either that, or it’s been too cold. Aha.
I KNEW it’d…not be serious. Especially the part where Dr. Wong tosses a couple of rocks/bullets on the dying man…then subsequently revives him. :O.
DH: Now I never want to leave tonight, with this large-ass pile of food!

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