When I got here today I REALLY didn’t want to blog, so here.
I am, blogging.
By the way, Jit distracted me again with new manga chapter.
At least there’s always Wikipedia to help fill in the random gaps.
Shall choose a more interesting day to blog about. Like Monday. I mean, usually Thursday is all well and good, but with Mr. Chin going AWL and all, it was mostly just Monopoly Deal, Monopoly Deal and MORE Monopoly deal. A game that is getting irritating with each time I play it.
I need to buck up for PE. Lie, in every possible way :O. Or get a sex change just for the NAPFA test.
Ms. Wong sounded funny. And I wish I remembered the wording for that darn quiz.
Physics test tomorrow :O
And now, Monday.
We should have more lessons in Seminar Rooms.
Claire: They’ll need to clean up the air-conditioners. I have some…dust allergy, so I’ll start sneezing whenever there’s dust.
Dr. Low: You were sneezing?
Me*while rooting hopelessly for my missing pen*: She was…
Claire: Yea, I dunno, my whole family’s like that. When my brother walks past wet paint, he gets rashes.
Dr. Low: Right…so next time we can use you as a bio-indicator of dust!
And we actually completed Bio-lesson faster than expected in the seminar room :D. More lessons in air-con FTW
Assembly was such a joke. For three reasons.
1. Faraday’s performance. If you want to do a dance with more than 10 people, you had better coordinate it darn well.
2. Fleming’s performance. A dunce hat REALLY doesn’t make a convincing god.
3. Right in the middle of assembly Wayne springs s surprise cancellation of CCA. LOL?
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