Saturday, September 26, 2009

Betting is BAD

You know, boo doesn’t work as well as it used to.
For once, whatever I am saying doesn’t make sense, to everybody including me. This is called…true crapping.
Bleh we were called to stay back after flag-raising. I thought they were going to scold us again.
Che just some stupid group on Google. All discussing stuff I am SO not interested in.
Cheong didn’t noe we were staying back (Wha never pay attention again right) and was like in the class the whole time.
LOL so we were STILL deciding where we were going to go for the chalet and…decided on somewhere in Changi.
Mr. Cheong: Hmm there was this one somewhere in Changi but I forgot its name…
Ji Hyun: Aloha!
Mr. Cheong: No it’s not Aloha but it’s really close to it what’s its name?*goes on to describe it
Ji Hyun: But that’s Aloha!
Mr. Cheong: Oh OK…
LOL how hax is this when we go we have to pay $330 for the chalet then when a teacher pays he gets a…80% discount???
Last time did Comprehension, now do summary. Did twice the work in less than the time. For laughs.
Finally could get to consult Ms. Lam for the brochure.
LOL turns out that was…totally useless cos she like said whatever I did was perfect what she was looking for.
I think I have to state something though.
Research conducted on the brochure on Journalism Club did by Lau Yu Han has revealed that on a truth scale of 0-100, it rates an astounding -204
Heh. I own. Now just need to think of an…explosive title.
On the other hand, I now need to somehow help Sooraj, Felix and WJ. EH BUT SOORAJ IS THE ENGLISH REP WTF.
I should somehow extract some benefit from this. XD. I’m evil right.
Boo I think my presentation failed. But I was doing it alone so…predictable.
LOL Jit got owned. Ji somehow presented in 3 min ++. So now he owes her $5 of gummy bears.
Jit: I give her a slap
LOL yea that works too. But then you’d still owe her $5 of gummy bears.
ZZT at least next lesson still got 3 groups to present. CAN DRAG. Just hope that Mr. Lim doesn’t stay at the back.
NOOO Chinese teacher came. I was like hoping she would be sick for an entire week.
Come still OK then say she was giving like a Test and Spelling next week. Consecutively. At least it’s just two lessons. Should be OK. I say should.
Math test was…OK lah. Almost lost 5 marks because (a) I was half asleep and (b) I almost trusted my calculator. But I trusted me more so I didn’t lose any careless marks.
I think.
Wen Jun is EPIC. Felix is EPIC-ER. And Evil. Pure evil.
How can ANY one manage to lose 4 million in ONE SITTING?!!!
Hmm. I must be jinxed. For 2/3 games I managed to screw up whoever I chose as my partner.
Then the last one both of us had ALL the royal trumps. Some of Felix’s leftover luck floated over. Though unfortunately it didn’t let me win big with WJ too. Ai ya just drop some cash to…dunno how that helps either. After Felix’s been through with him.
J.Lau: I’ll leave when Eric…no no no Felix leaves!
Felix: I’ll leave when J.Lau leaves.
Yay happy waiting. Stay here forever LOL.
Hmm. It was so weird I somehow lost the laptop power cable some time into the break. So I was pottering around looking for it and getting paranoid.
So sad it didn’t REALLY disappear. Then I can lay claim to the next greatest school magician since…er…dunno…
That Daryl REALLY has a habit of coming late. At least I converse with this wacky guy in Journalism and his fruity psychology.
OMG HE IS GOING TO KILL MR. VALLES. GASP. I mean, that’s too good for him.
LOL the Valles guy is trying to be funny. Tell us we have like one month to complete this newsletter then wait until the CCA session is almost over then give me the articles. AND WE HAVE 16 PAGES TO FINISH I’M TELLING YOU.
At least that…gives me time to do what I want. XD. For about 2 more weeks.

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