Friday, January 7, 2011


Back to Bla…no, blogging.
I’ve never wanted to say that. Wonder where that came from. Hmm
Orientation much?
It was really cool. Not to mention unfair Mainly due to the fact that the years I do orientation I ALWAYS get the SERIOUSLY ugly clothes (read: clothes unsuitable to be seen in public) while the years JUST AFTER get rockin’ black with BRIGHT COLOURS.
Then for the first time year…or the year before…whatever…the shirts for the new guys look cooler. Hmm.
Anyway. Orientation was OK. Still. They might have done a better job on the…dance. Whatever. A bit too easy. And air goes too gay. :( But then they made four levels of students dance in the hall…
Speaking of orientation, I have come to the absolute conclusion that wriggling fingers and summoning random thunder bolts are much more effective than…I dunno, swinging battle axes. Or something.. especially when one of your fighters has a Iron Man make-or-break-thingy on his chest. *click* Heheh. And Mr. Yee is awesome :D. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t put here that he was threatening TC and DH. Mmm…I just did. (YES IT WAS A JOKE OK? :D DUN GET ANGRY MR. YEE XD)
Really. I should stop getting sidetracked, but that’s always been the point of my life anyway because the blue little bird in the corner is just adorable :). Oh and, uh…READ LUDWIG KAKUMEI IF YOU’RE LALALALALAH. Jit has been bugging me to read Hayate continuously for about half the holidays but DAMN IT ALL.
Actually there really isn’t much to say about Orientation except that we were awesome, the Year Ones were awesome (That little guy—sorry forgot your name—was SO GOOD!) , the Year Three dancers were awesome, and the Student Leaders were awesome. Orientation was AWESOME! :D (But we were playing Dodgeball using SOFTBALLS :O BLASPHEMY! :()
A bit…too…high. Spillover from various cheering yesterday. Or the day before, to be more accurate. Early in the morning One o’clock…
It’s such a relief to be able to lie down. I miss lying down. Walking around too much during orientation. Boo. And the dance was fairly exhausting, at any rate.
Let me flounce around randomly and talk about the campfire. Or at least, the campfire without a fire, leaving…camp. “Fire”
Ack stupid forgot to get connectors and half of our class randomly missing were bees in the bonnet. *slap* especially when I was giving out…barely edible food. :P A-heh. Oh and JIT WAS SO SICK THAT DAY HE COULDN’T COME!
So. Fast forward the unimportant sections, such as tribal leaders entering the…compound. Lodge. Whatever. Obviously the first mmost important part were our house masters and mistresses. :D Ms. Kong’s halfway-edible outfit left little to the imagination. Which was good. But the best quote was…dundundundun…
Mr. Fan: You see the V? Obviously it means VICTORY.
Thenthenthen (Nobel had something to say about that. Or scream about that. We always do, but it’s not something I care about at the moment.) House vehicles! In which an interesting phenomenon was observed being the houses with the less interestingly decorated wheelers had better dances. Faraday’s Like a G6 was just KEEEEEWL but Fleming’s boat was SERIOUSLY :O (the O just isn’t long enough to convey the jaw-droppingness) Butbutbut Nobel’s flies! :D With Jie Ren flapping them wings nonchalantly behind Shahid who could somehow climb in and out of our crazy contraption.
Urm. Skit. Explaining how a rhyming retard helps to save our four funky beasts.
Skit. Again. Year One performances. I realized that skits done not-too-good are ALREADY a VERY bad idea. :O Everyone was like half sleeping through the HEY IT’S THE ULTRA HOT YONG KIAT O.O zzzzzzz
So SAD. The Year Threes couldn’t perform. *completely sadded* But on the bright side it means that the only ones putting up the AWESOME DANCE OF THE DAY other than the mass dance were the Nobel Year Ones. :D
Jun Hui: Obv they did something wrong like broke a vase or something…so after they said Sorry Sorry they began to Xi Shua Shua the floor
YY: -.- I don’t know you.
And…Finally the mass dance. Mmhmm. Too awesome to comment on. Especially when there’s ALREADY a video on Facebook.

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