I am so screwed.
It seems like when they squash the many tiny quizzes/test I will get screwed for all of them except one. *stress*
And they’re giving too much homework. *stress*
I curse the weather control for leaving it on hot for half the day. DAYUMMM. And we had to kick around the darn ball for all that time. It would have been preferable if it had a purpose but OBVIOUSLY it hadn’t. And one more PE lesson to go. ARGH.
And two more CCA lessons but that’s not really the point. There was never any anyway.
Nat so pro play with Yohannes and pwn. Maybe DH REALLY had all the luck. DAYUMM
Tomorrow will be a happier day. Maybe I can do some random stuff that I’ve been meaning to do. And also some random stuff I haven’t been meaning to do but will do anyway.
Will do.
Anyway. After PE we discovered James could make his own talk show with just that tagline. JAME---SIII!!!
OK it sounds really retarded but hey.
Ms Fong checked it and fortunately all of us we wearing formal. On the outside, at any rate.
Random fact: Ms Fong does “weightlifting” daily GG
Stupid weather make me want to freaking sleep especially when it was PHYSICS oh gosh darn a dry topic with a dry weather is the worst possible weather for concentrating.
At least Math was nice and vaguely interesting. 3D writing is just so brilliant.
I think Ms Li has the suspicions about my sexuality.
NUS High is ripe ground for racists jokes. Just…not mentioning them here is deference to the brilliant ISA.
Except spontaneous energetic disassembly doesn’t sound so bad after all. Wonder who the heck uses it though.
Need to listen to music more. I feel so deprived suddenly.
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