Name: Yu Han. Or any synonym of genius/megalomaniac/lunatic. Yes I’m awesome that way.
Date of Birth: June 1
Birthplace: Singapore, Singapore
Current Location: Singapore, Singapore.
Eye Color: Black. I think. Look close enough for me to punch you in the face and I promise you’ll get to see a kaleidoscope for all your trouble.
Hair Color: I’ll…stick to black. Too lazy to dye it anything else.
Heritage: Weirdo
Piercings: NONE. Yet
Tattoos: None.
Band/Singer: Lady Gaga FTW
Song: Smooth Criminal :P. I just like Lady Gaga for the MVs :O
Movie: Ermermerm Inception was the most awesome thing I ever watched in my freaking life XD
Disney Movie: Despicable me Despicable me Despicable me Despicable me bounces around like them cute yellow minions
TV show: Fringe Obviously duh
Color: Hurm…varies…today it’s gold. Dark gold.
Pizza topping: Erm…MOZARELLA! XD
Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla chocolatey caramel. I’m greedy so too bad HAR
Drink (alcoholic): Wine. It has an elegant taste and makes you feel cool xD
Soda: Who wants anything else when you can have COKE
Store: Dunno?
Clothing Brand: Erm…I never really cared. WOOT
Shoe Brand: Nike FTW
Season: Er…hmmm the fifth one which I invented in honor of my awesome-ness
Month: Take a guess…I’ll tell you you’re wrong later.
Holiday/Festival: Birthday. My birthday should totally be a holiday. Wait. It is one.
Flower: Venus Fly trap NOMNOMNOM
Make-Up Item: I. Don’t. Do. Makeup :P
Board game: Er…hmm…again, the one I invented USING my own awesome-ness
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy effteedoubleeuuu~
Chocolate or vanilla: I’ll take BOTH and leave anyone else with NOTHING :D
Fruit or veggie: Fruits XD
Night or day: Er… both or either depending on the mood that day.
Sour or sweet: Sweet&sour<3
Love or money: Money. HAHA.
Phone or in person: In person. For phones you can’t see their expressions.
Looks or personality: I’m greedy, as emphasized many times. BOTH.
Coffee or tea: OMIGOSH COFFEE DUH.
Hot or cold: Cold. Preferably VERY
Goal for this year: To make the world a crazier place! XD
Most missed memory: I don’t miss what I don’t remember XD
Best physical feature: All 10 of my fingers. I’ll leave you to figure out the reason.
First thought waking up: Argh where’s my chainsaw Oh wait I don’t have one
Hypothetical personality disorder: Megalomania, ADHD, Bipolar, schizophrenia...etc.*hang on*
It was fun looking up Wikipedia for disorders. Just for the record, the above are all true and not hypothetical in any way.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Hmm..Just the entire face. Preferably everyday. People will get used to it. Eventually.
Sesame street alter ego: *Does a triple-take* dare I ask what that is?
Fairytale alter ego: Alice. American McGee’s Alice, who is awesome like moi.
Most stupid remark: Too many to list out.
Worst crime: My continued existence
Greatest ambition: Becoming more awesome. Impossible to do, but an ambition’s an ambition.
Greatest fear: Becoming less awesome
Darkest secret: *hums a little evil tune*
Favorite subject: Physics. Yes people, GASP in horror.
Strangest received gift: I’m the sort who rarely receives gifts. I wonder why.
Worst habit: Too many to count. With MY fingers.
Do You:
Smoke: Nahhhhhh
Drink: I’m proud to say I started just last year.
Curse: It’s a learnt trait. From I wonder who.
Shower daily: Well duh.
Like thunderstorms: I create them. Obviously I like my own creations.
Dance in the rain: Uh. I’m not very good at dancing…
Sing: I do.
Play an instrument: Just the many. But I still haven’t picked up the guitar :(
Get along with your parents: Not the best relationship ever but we try
Wish on stars: I don’t wish on myself. It usually doesn’t work.
Believe in fate: I obviously believe in my creation.
Believe in love at first sight: Not yet. I think.
Can You:
Drive: Ooh YES. Hush now.
Sew: I prefer using sewing machines. Which is old fashioned and everything but I KNOW how to use it SUCKERS.
Cook: Not very well. It would be made of chocolate and I’d poison it. But other than that It’d be awesome, my food. :D
Speak another language: Which is “another language”?
Dance: Well, as I mentioned above, I can, heck anyone can.
Sing: I can, the quality, ahh.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nah, it’s a cool trick tho:D
Whistle: YES I CAN obamastyle
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Nope.
Been Stoned/High: Nah
Eaten Sushi: I hated every moment.
Been in Love: I am. Now. XD
Skipped school: MCs. I HATE skipping school. :(
Made prank calls: Hmmhmmhmmmhmmmm
Sent someone a love letter: Nah.
Stolen something: :X X:
Cried yourself to sleep: Never. Darn. One experience I’m missing out on.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Anything. But then I slap them and all is forgiven.
Are you right or left handed? Right.
What is your bedtime? I dunnoe dammit.
Name three things you can’t live without: Me.
What is the color of your room? Plain, bland white.
Do you have any siblings? Just the one. It’s probably enough
Do you have any pets? Used to. They died. Probably couldn’t stand me, which was their fault…
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Nah. What a pathetic amount he gives.
What is you middle name? Nothing. I’m too awesome for a middle name.
What are you nicknames? To be honest, I’ve never asked. Hmm…
Are you for or against gay marriage? I. Have. A. BOYFRIEND OMG XDXDXD
What are your thoughts on abortion? I don’t face birth issues, and don’t intend on changing sex anytime soon. So I’ll be totally me here and not give a damn.
Do you have a crush on anyone? I have a relationship with someone. No time for crushes.
Are you afraid of the dark? Used to. Around 65 million years ago.
How do you want to die? Alone in the world after I’ve killed everyone else. :D
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? A lot.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Maybe.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Ah…I dunno. Since I wasn’t caught won’t consider it broken.
In a Member of the
Hair color: Er *checks boyfriend’s hair* Black FTW
Eye color: Doesn’t really matter
Height: Shorter. Liking the person doesn’t mean you can’t mock him once in a while.
Weight: Who cares.
Most important physical feature: :X
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