Five-day weekend next week WOOT
~I don’t want this weekend to end~ *Take MC on Thursday and Friday=nine day hol GGGG :D
OK. Yea. Safety Training test sometime in the future. Who cares, obviously.
SHIT Ms. Li came. If she hadn’t we’d have two hour break + Math/break + English + CCA =WIN FOR FRIDAY WOOT.
She came.
Ms. Li: I am going to complete this entire set of notes by today!
Dunno who: Are you nuts?
As it turned out, she didn’t. One wonders why.
Ms. Li: Because the test has to be done after the assignment which can be done only after I finish teaching you, and if I don’t finish by today the test will have to be pushed to the last week of Term 3, which is virtually nothing with sports day, teacher’s day celebration, teacher’s day…
Galen: And Presidential Election Holiday.
WOOT August Holiday+++
We actually achieved a whole new record of having a whole two hours of proper math. In between Nicole sleeping across two tables (Mr. Loo: Can you get up and…sleep elsewhere?) with Jit trying to poke her (Mr. Loo: Jit, stop flirting), Jit mocking SImin for being a noob for not being able to work under the pressure of two people staring over her (Mr. Loo: With such a test working environment, I think exam will be no kick already) , a break (Mr. Loo: OK take 30s break while I sniff my ass-water), Jeremias doing very inappropriate actions (Mr. Loo: It’s…OK. Just the usual greeting from my frenemy) , Nicole massacring Raphael armed with a pen/pencil (Mr. Loo: Eh Raphael, get up, stop disgracing the Loo family), me trying to fly with a dead penguin XD…yea. GREAT SUCCESS.
Mr. Loo: Jeremias what you doing?
Jeremias: Doing what I do best like you told me!
Mr. Loo: What? SMS-ing hot girlfriend ah?
Me: He got girl to SMS?
Mr. Loo: Eh you don’t laugh ok, later he got a hot girlfriend—
Jeremias: Like Mr. LOO
Mr. Loo: :O
Mr. Loo: I was just going to say you could have a hot girlfriend and then you give me this kind of…aiyah…
Me: LMAO self-own noob
English. Air-conditioned Seminar Room. ~YAY~
*when preparing freely for a speech*
Ms. Koo: DH! Turn off!
DH: You can’t turn me off, man, when I open my mouth you just gotta listen to what I have to say…
GG Galen’s speech so epic. With all its square moons, unicorns and baby-faced sun-ness. :D
GG Shreyas so pro.
Shreyas: And therefore, we MUST eliminate the INDIAN RACE! That doesn’t mean you have to eliminate me, Singaporean Indians are still OK, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to die.
Tseren: Like, what have you seen on stomp?
DH: Oh, like the guy being hit in the balls with the high heel shoes. He think he balls of steel, just stay there and take it, just say ow so pain. If I were him I guard my balls and run away…
YJ: *Can’t stop laughing*
Simin:…or a person beaten up in a lousy ambulance
SO…Gavel Club can’t run without its oft-missing President? Yer wot.
I still think the SAF will be providing contrast. Especially as Faraday’s bringing up the rear.
Galen: *while eating crappy vegetarian food* It’s 620 ah, don’t be late.
Me: *thinks* you the one who’s busy eating.
And Happy Birthday Shi Ni with your >$10.00 pig and not-so-mini-me. :P
Shi Ni: I can give it to you, DH! Hang it on your wall!
DH: Oh god no, later I wake up get heart attack instantly BLAM
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