Saturday, July 23, 2011

Your Love Is My Drug

…and all that jazz.
You know it’s good news when your (one of the best on earth) mentor/math teacher comes into class and announces the replacement of the Mentoring period with Math class because he can’t make it for the time.
I’ll take a 3-for-1 deal anyday :D
So yea, after doing a lab practical with laptops and little…graboids, one really does get the full feel of evolution. Not.
Yea, either that or have a good conversation while typing out the answers at the very same time. Which, included, not in order, DH’s obsession with NBA (DH: Eh no lor now I check very short only man! Galen: Yea, like, a reduction for an hour upwards in the past) Sooraj’s pro strategy in ball games which I can’t forget (Jit: Sooraj just…snatches the ball out of Ruth’s hand when she was on the same team. We were all like WTFH while he told us, “SKILL man!”) and all the various references to boat drivers and whether or not there should be an annoying prick at the side offering meaningless advice when the captain is perfectly capable of doing the task by himself (Galen: so I need you to shut the hell up, DH)
Ah. The joys of two hours under MOE officials’ supervision.
Did you know a barnacle has a penis 30 times its body length? Really puts new meaning to the term offshoot.
Later on, while trying to copy a section of words having a font size of 8 downwards, I was wondering about the irony as the MOE official observed that the words we were typing in the lab (font 11) was too small.
Supposedly we were to take advantage of this long break to do something about the music poster. I was distracted by grand battle strategy and dreams of world domination.
Risk makes everything sound more glorious than it really is. And more.
Tuesday was an important lesson. Of sorts. Never accompany your buddy accompanying his girlfriend. I mean, playing gooseberry is all well and fine, but when you end up twice as far as where you had hoped to end up…
Me: Hey DH, we’re supposed to be here *points at IMRE due south* and we’re here *points at bus-stop smack north of the campus*
DH: *has that oh-shit-amusing expression*
Me: Why didn’t I go by myself while you accompanied her?
DH: Cos it wouldn’t have…looked good if we showed up at different times, so suck it up! It’s all part of the package!
Me: And exactly what part of the package did I gain from?
DH: You…got to ask her questions for the interview?
Me: all of one of them, which she refused to answer in a bitchy voice.
But it’s okay. What are brothers for?
*lots of gossiping at IMRE*
Ah. Um yes. Thanks for helping me carry the box of 62 markers for some time. In your bag. XD

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