Monday, July 25, 2011

Who's That Girl

Hard school of thought does…nothing in the aspect of random memory. JUST CAN’T REMEMBER THURSDAY D:.
Bah. Mentoring. Also slipped out of my mind. Probably due to random-ness in assembly.
*in a section not intended to be insulting in anyway, let’s see what the Japanese students/principal could have been thinking during the assembly*
Wei Ren: And now the principals of the two schools will exchange tokens of appreciation
Japanese Vice-Principal: :O Wastu my timo give me such a stupidu cheaposkato glassu platu. I go back immediately smashu on the floor.
Dr. Hang: Remember not to come to school on Monday!
Japanese students: :O Whatu kindu fukotu upotu school isu thisu?
Dr. Hang: …Singapore has met with great success…NUS High School has played a significant role in helping Singapore rose up above the…blahblahblahblahblahdyblahblahblah.
I couldn’t think of more…obvious way to blow the trumpet in front of the third group of representatives in a week.
Physics. Hmm. With a laptop just free for use, anything can happen. Hmm.
Except that it happened to be a crappy laptop which couldn’t accept any hardware. Bah. I mean, even the mouse?! :O
Math=very naise. We actually did proper work.
*why the tone and looks of surprise?*
Mr. Loo: Eh Tseren if you on then I end the lesson now!
Tseren: :O D:
Mr. Loo: I make it sweeter…add five to yours?
Tseren: Er…you heard how many I can do for NAPFA?
Mr. Loo: *suddenly hesitant* erm…No…
Tseren: *thinks for a bit* OK ON
Mr. Loo: *whispers to Chew* Eh how many can he do ah?
Chew: *whispers back*
Mr. Loo: Standard?
Chew: Yea…
Mr. Loo: OH ok I suddenly realized I have an appointment…
*all of us herd them to pull up-bars*
Mr. Loo: *does 22* OK dun wanna do anymore
Tseren: *tries his best and hits…21*
Mr. Loo: *victory lap*
GG gay buff ppl.
Damn and for a few seconds I thought with Mr. Chin in charge, the test would be MCQ.
Didn’t matter for the 15 minutes I took anyway.
One hour CCA :D
And my brother is marching under the hot sun wearing a freaking SWEATER.
One bald person in school come tomorrow.
Will be interesting.
Now, time to beat at least two cheapskates. The cash I chanced upon should come in handy.

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