Saturday, July 9, 2011

Club Can't Handle Me

DH: I’m going to try and get into the Youth Team.
Me: *gives him skeptical stare*
DH: Really!
Me: Oh…ok…why?
DH: *unimportant to anyone rant*
Me: Well…I guess you’d surely do well in Gymnastics.
DH: Nah. Figure skating. To the MAX!
Yep. Guess you’d give as good as you get. XD
Hurm. 108 medalists. How’re we gonna fit them all up there.
Oh, wait, hang on, it’s all right, we only need to squeeze the 34 gold medalists. Mmhmm.
The Chinese can get an Olympic award for standing straight. Then again, it’s konda rude somehow that when OUR principle gives a speech, our guests are standing through it no matter how meaningless or boring the speech happens to be while we sit…and watch. Maybe it’s a ploy to ensure they stay awake for the full effect of the torture. I’m not complaining, though.
Funnily enough, one of the Chinese students sounds…Korean-ish?
And n1 take our Break. Again. D:. The final five minutes before mind-numbing.
It seems that day in day out we get to annoy teachers with our propensity to maintain being talkative through the entire room. And then test their responses. Don’t be fooled, it is in fact a complex psychological experiment designed to test your fortitude to...
Oh come on. Who am I kidding. Some of us just like to bullshit. Others just like to act drunk at all hours of the day.
Me/Jit: *to guy on other side of DH* You know this guy? *points to DH*
Jit/Me: Nope, never seen him before in my life. Don’t even know WTH he’s doing here.
DH: HTH didja get that answer isn’t it…
Me: *points mutely to the 3 divisor*
DH: Oh. Oh…shit…
How you neglect the same denominator twice is beyond my comprehension. Sometimes, one doesn’t need words.
Mr. Loo: *observes pandemonium* *sighs* the last thing I want to see is someone spending most of the day in an air-conditioned room, telling me that if I am given a room without air-conditioning I had better make do with it.
I’ve never met that guy, but suddenly I can’t stand him too.
Maybe we can pawn something to help raise funds for air-conditioning, seeing as it seems that school fees are going into building air-conditioned laboratories instead. Maybe our…fans? XD
In any case I wish, again as usual, hat I didn’t take the initiative to teach. Then again, with Mr. chin walking out after around five minutes after confirming that this was not graded, I’m not sure exactly how motivated I would have been to write another paragraph or so anyway.
Ms. Koo: what am I going to tell Ms. Bay when she asks me about the quality of work?
Claire: Mr. Chin came in!
Me: Nope…Mr. Chin went out.

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