I dunno about you but I think I might just start blogging almost everyday after this March holidays. Mainly because all of us in 303 know each other a little better, and can interact a little more, added with the fact that about 1/3 of the class now plays DOTA, so…
Actually the DOTA has nothing much to do with anything. Just mentioning. Along with some of Claire’s tendencies, and Joshua’s weird dreams…but I kind of recall to not speak of either. On the pain of death. Literally because Claire has taken to bringing a penknife to school almost everyday. Anyway.
Why is our PM like coming to our school on the day our opera is screening !@#$%^&* man he chooses a really nice time. So nice Claire and Galen decided to like change the plot of our opera entirely from dissing Twilight to something medieval, Italian and TOATLLY un-fun BLEAURGH what with less than two months before we have to screen it and we haven’t like even started on the lyrics yet goddamn. But screw.
Why are there some funny rumours about Byorn and Candice that I have never heard about?
Oh right I am like in different class from either of them now. Which probably means they are true ‘cos I didn’t play a part in spreading them. (Hang on then what am I typing?)
Any way chem. Quiz was great, English test was OK, and Chinese test was sucky. I mean like I RECALL READING THE FKING CLOZE PASSAGE BEFORE and I didn’t bother to memorize it because I wasn’t a mugger. And the comprehension question ssuspiciously asking the exact same question around…oh, three times. WHO WAS THE BRIGHT GUY WHO SET IT HUH.
At least not so many projecs now cos Math is out of the way, which I cleared in…oh 30 minutes. All by myself thanks to physics. Now the trouble is because no one helped and I ran into exactly zero problems, I suspect we may need the rest of the month to think up our reflections.
Sigh probably gonna fail today’s Math Olympiad test today. I dunno why I agreed with Mr. Low in the first place. Probably because Ian was kinda forced to go too but the wise guy overslept last week went to SLI the week before and when I finally get to see him today we had to do the test.
Life is such a screw-up.
Journalism last week was a complete joke cos I was like doing almost nothing except slacking around and playing DOTA or laughing at Google search’s stupidity. Go autocompleteme.com XD it owns epic XD. And I never knew how ownage LR sounded or how irritating the Scourge sound effects are.
Boo haven’t finish Stephen King and library fking dun wan to open on Friday ZZT
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