Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sparks Fly

Oh dear.
Speech-making was so much harder that I thought it would be.
Trembling in the cold, fortunately I didn’t drop off.
BUT—Doing with 08. :D
And then—one of them did abortion. Without considering anything important from hell and back before deciding that that would be a good advocacy topic, I think.
Cue the missiles.
Bloody hell.
Dr. Wong seemed to be in a bad mood…?
Thank fully we weren’t too late for music.
And then the group teaching Chinese Opera apparently did better than the troupe we were forced to go to!
As for what hat might be saying, I’ll toss it up to debate.
Music test. Blah. Two marks for effort? :D?
I like the feeling.
Of having to go for useless trips after examinations.
Ms. Yeo: You are not allowed to leave from the last spot on the trip.
Then…what about the FIRST stop?
Ah yes.
Ian’s animation T.T
Coming clean T.T
Insult I felt after taking the PSAT T.T
The class’s neatness O.o mind-effed.

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