Hang on. Why am I doing this instead of mugging for exams ARGH NUV I’M GONNA DIE.
Not that I actually care about mugging in the first place. Almost went to sleep
For the first thing…Jit looks so hot in his striped cuff shirt OMG and his black pants WOOT. But the other thing was all the bandits dressed in… almost the same thing. I mean, what are we? Black and White Mob Limited? We’re not ALL butlers for god’s sake.
On the other hand, Ming Wei in my dad’s suit looks totally… MAFIA OMG. Just replace his violin with a automatic and he’d fit right in down to the unruly tied tie.
In any case. I was still almost freaking out about them not remembering their dance steps (though we perhaps DID do some last minute revision with some of the less-clear-about-what-are-we-gonna-do people like…ahemahem) and then Dr. Wong turns up saying WE ARE GONNA GET SCREWED SO BADLY because apparently Claire misheard Peng Seng resulting in our demolishing of the Student Lounge totally unauthorized. Meaning if we didn’t authorize it in the next hour we could all just pack up and go home because we’d get zero. Fortunately Mrs. Chong and Raghav were so nice about it. (yes ZERO is scary. :()
I still can’t figure out how people can go around wearing two jackets and not sweat buckets OMG Ming Wei said he was wearingthat coat of mine for the day and he was SO comfortable ZZT. I was only wearing it for less than 30 minutes and I had to take it off or I’d probably start dissolving in a puddle of salty liquid o.O.
Why, may I ask, do BUTLERS need to put on make up? Or any of the musicians, for that matter? (On the other hand, Ansel’s expression when Claire was putting on his makeup was…just priceless)
Still. Ran through the dance sequence twice (surprisingly more vigorous than I thought=really sporting of everyone to do it twice.)
Saw some clips of the Monday rehearsal (Well, the only REAL one we actually had—which I DIDN’T ATTEND ARGH)—Galen looks like such a wuss. Just saying. But can’t you at least be a little more aggressive?
Anyway. The screening went…mostly OK, audience was REALLY enthu, AV ppl were REALLY helpful (I’m looking pointedly at Galen and his last minute themes and directions ZZT) and the “sword” was actually more realistic than I thought. Though our bow was really failed, and Jit Wu twitched around when he was supposed to be in rigor mortis LMAO. Oh and wished we could hear more of Yao Rui’s genius.
All in all, an experience to be missed. Sigh.
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