Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Sometimes you get priceless moments, especially during Seminar Room lessons
Here’s to having Math lessons in Seminar rooms too? :D *hint hint*
Or at least, until Mr. Loo reads blogs. *sigh*
T-position during the 5-minute break. XD
Temperature taking will always be a time-honoured affair of people trying to scam their way into not buying a new one because of complete laziness. Maybe I’m just stereotyping there, but…I have one example. XD
Something about International frien—ZZZzzz
*still like the idea of friends with benefits*
Ms. Wong interrupts…nothing.
I wonder why my brother’s certificate of Participation is in the middle of all my classmate’s certificates. Hurm.
Ms. Wong: OK who took Shreyas’ certificate?
Me: How can anyone mistake their cert for yours…I mean, the name alone is…
Shreyas: Yea I bet no one has the surname Thiruvenegadem…
Ms. Wong: OK? Everyone got their cert? Don’t come running to me say you don’t have ah! *turns to Shreyas* You don’t have right?
So. Funnily enough our timetable is almost exactly the same as last semester. Except for languages, so there was Bio on Tuesday. Just after Mr. Yee disappointed us…Oh well.
Ms. Wong: Oh this will be your new Chem teacher Mr. Izam
Class: O.o so are you teaching us Bio or Chem
Mr. Izam: No I’m just taking over for one week while Mr. Soh is on reservice.
At least he’s…how do I say it…very Singaporean-ised? And somehow makes the explaining of million-year-old stuff not sound as boring as it does.
Mr. Izam: Oh BTW, which stall in the canteen sells good food?
Class: Exactly…none. The noodle stall sucks especially.
Not that I’d know. Speaking of lunch, and the one Jazlene owes me…
*During in-class assignment*
Mr. Izam: The other classes never asked so many questions, man…just quietly sat there and—
*James asks sth*
Mr. Izam: You’d like me to do for you right?
Whaddya think?
I should start a week-long smuggling project. Now that I’ve gotten a whole big break my way and all. But seriously, a RISK tournament? Like, about all the 9 hours we could spare?
Now the explanations. *sigh*
I dropped Econs. So did Jit and DH. I wonders why.
DH: All those soccer ppl like Yong Kiat took only 3 majors. Then getting 4.8-4.9 for CAP man! Can go HAVARD!
Me, Jit and DH: LMAO
Me: Even YOU didn’t believe that right?
Jit: Woah…Simin now considering hard…should I take 3 majors and go Havard?
The awesomeness of logic sometimes.
In the long break…all I can say is…metaphors, madness and mutilation. Mmhmm.
Now everyone know I retardbaby. Ahahahahah.
Jeremias: *Takes violin*Bye Simin.
Simin: *looks up*Nomnom
Jeremias: :O
Me: I think you’d better leave…fast?
Jeremias: kthxbai
*sometime later*
Simin: Eh Jeremias you back?
Jeremias: *holds up left-behind-iTouch*
Me: N1 almost lost in Claire’s house not enuff for you rite…
And finally, the culmination of all this staying back.
Ji Hyun: Why are you staying so late?
Me:…sometimes “for fun” doesn’t cut it anymore.
The three of us went to a…public lecture. Light refreshments were provided.
Guess what we went away full of.
Would Tseren get the violin G-string being broken joke, I wonder.

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