Sunday, June 5, 2011

Black and Yellow

Three hours taking about three different days to post.
I must be such a genius.
At what, though, I have no idea. Maybe the field doesn’t exist as a word as a dictionary.
Shall leave that to you to find out.
Me: They’re at, like the bowling alley so let’s take the lift up. (realizes that the bowling alley is…one floor up. Hurm)
DH: Oh…kay…eh. At second floor ah?
Me: Yea. Right here where it says bowling alley.
*walk out of lift*
Me: Oh. Erm. Right…
DH: And you fellers saw it and just continued walking?!
Me: You want to go back around…?
DH: Gah, let’s just…go back man! WTH
Me: Would it make any difference we’re already halfway around LOL
DH: It’s saving us a few seconds of our valuable time by not walking the wrong way anymore!
Jit: I think you just wasted that few seconds arguing here :P
Sometimes the polar bear displays such astounding insight I doubt it’s really him with me. Sometimes.
We arrived to realize Mr. Yee was gone. D:
(maybe if Jit and DH hadn’t spent time being fat…)
Yea, anyway. Fake strike with two pins much?
Sounds like the…Student Council application camp was fun. Or something. If anyone wants to kick start training on sleeping irregular ideas, join Student Council :D
(Although I suspect the sadism you get to level at applicants kind of pays off. Bad Tiong.)
Throughout the…I dunno, hour or less we spent there DH and Jit were being pushy guy friends egging on Galen to do the right thing. Mmhmm.
Kallang Leisure park is quite the place for leisure activities. More or less. All that’s lacking is…
…unmentionable. Heh.
Anyhow, arranging a mix for Mr. Yee sounds just less threatening than having to compose something entirely new. Now if only I could find Galen…online zzt.
Awesome Alice in Wonderland Fanfiction. :D Especially after the crap sometimes dishes out…
You know what? I think there was actually a point to all this posting. Other than Peng Seng finding his panda soft toy and not having enough dosh to pay for it, or DH coaxing Simin on the finer side of life…
Jit: Why would I want simin? She’s flat
OK, not the point really but OMG JIT SRSLY MAN
Jit: I was talking to the ppl in Hungary about DH and Shini
DH: Knew you’d talk bad about me around my back backstabber
Jit: Anyway, Jazlene was like HUH WHAT? Even Gloria O.O at her. Then she went I THOUGHT THEY WERE JUST NORMAL FRIENDS :O
Clueless kid. Which is much better than I can say for the point of this post. XD

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