Monday, April 25, 2011

Just Can't Get Enough

Right. So I‘m blogging again.
Which makes me wonder: can I possibly hit 403 posts at the end of the year?
*Looks at blog post count*
*Too lazy to count with fingers*
Anyhoo, some wacky things happened in the time I was just to freaking busy to post. Or too lazy. But whatever.
Occasionally you pause to wonder about the wonders of technology. In the past, students would slog at tables busy writing down answers that they have copied off their friends. Later on they slog at computer desks busy writing down answers they have copied off Google.
In the more recent week I believe majority of the year Four students have been fuming at computer desks waiting for the utterly !@$%^&* slow network on the MasteringPhysics website. Whose idea was it to use such a buggy website anyway?
Still. 157% percent sounds good. At least I actually knew what I was doing 99% of the time. :D
Lately I realize that I have been the progenitor of much sarcasm.
Dr. Low: As you know, most of you didn’t do well in this quiz…
Me: I did :D
Class: N1 Mugger
It is, fun, though to poke fun at Lim Jeck. Where both words are meant in the most literal sense of the word.
It is also heartening to seethe power of the media in ways, that, say, spread the word (or the picture) of the X13 M1N6 W31’s…I dunno. Not too big an issue for not too big a man.
Still. It was pleasant to do well for da quiz. Seriously. The last week, on the other hand…
Well then. Math went well. Not. Reminder of my inadequate follies. Or is it the other way round?
Biology was better. Much. I mean, 19/20 isn’t bad, is it? :D. Until you consider that I had about 2 seconds to get full marks and I didn’t. Blah.
I need some more brain storage space, after remembering the scope of TWO Biology examinations.
Also, it’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed air-conditioned rooms for such a long period of time. And engaged in much poking of fun.

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