Friday, August 8, 2008

Geography stuff...

Ok, so yeah our grouping for our class's geog project is like, so totally crapped up. Well the day started off really fine, because when I reached school I found out that Ms Lau didn't come so Iwas like WOOT cause our first period was English so we could have a free hour break! Of course our geog teacher just had to get mixed up and she thought THURSDAY was FRIDAY and she came in. Fortunately it was still THURSDAY so she went off soon after... but not before dropping the bobmbshell that our project had begun and we had to get into groups. For the record, her exact words were "choose your own groups". Unfortunately once we did that we realised that three niggers had no group! Everyone knows who these buggers are so I won't tell their names...but they really started off a host of problems. First the girls wanted one of us to sacrifice to join the three but it was overturned real quick by J.Lau and Jit Wu. So they wanted to draw lots...not talking about what happened to that option. Finally we wanted to draw lots to choose the person to go to the three niggers, and seemed quite unfair so we decided upon using the register and getting out groups. We were still challenging that decision through half of Math lesson. In any case, Ji Hyun (our geog rep) apparently didn't give a crap about what anyone said after that and submitted that grouping. My group is OK, i think... for now...

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