2. Battle of Hornburg
Battle between Wizard Saruman, a minion of Sauron, against King Theoden of the Rohirrim and the General of Elven archers in the fortress Hornburg of Helm's Deep. Saruman's forces broke through the first line of defence, helm's Dike. The remaining defendors repulsed them with arrows and rocks, but the Orcs got close to the wall after a few attempts, but a group of mounted Rohirrim led by Theoden's niece and Aragorn scattered them. Orcs also scaled the walls but their attempts were foiled. They then crept in through a stream in the back but were beat back by the dwarf Gimli. The Orcs then used explosives to attack and the defendors retreated further into the Glittering Caves. The Orcs gained control of the Fort but were defeated by Rohirrim calvary led by Theoden and Aragorn. Then the Wizard Gandalf arrived leading more Rohirrim calvary. The fearful Orcs fled, only to be vanquished in the hands of Tree-men.
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